Equine Fitness
Get your horse in shape and maintain his overall fitness, regardless of his age or abilities. Equine Fitness shows you how, with a simple conditioning program made up of fun exercise routines specifically designed to enhance your horse’s strength and agility. Clear, step-by-step instructions and detailed illustrations make the exercises easy to follow, and the book includes a handy set of pocket-sized cards that you can tear out and use while on horseback or in the ring. Riders across the country have raved about this book!
What my readers have to say…
“A very well worded, educational and helpful training guide. Great tips and information from front to back. It helped me significantly in creating a training/ conditioning program I want to use on my 11 y/o mare who has been a pasture pet her whole life. Come spring I feel like I have a very educated plan for getting her in shape a safe and effective way that will encourage her willingness to work.” — H
“The best book on equine fitness. I have several books on equine fitness and this one is, by far, the best! The author’s explanation of equine anatomy and the development of equine fitness was outstanding and her program for the development of the horse at any age was perfect for my herd. ” — Charlotte Godfrey
“Wow! Wealth of information in this book! I am amazed at all the information in this book! And I love the exercise cards that are included!” — Kandice K Magnan
“I was searching for exercises that I could do with my cutting horse in order to strengthen all muscle groups. My past experiences have led me to believe that when a horse is used in one discipline on a regular basis year after year... You can expect that individual to encounter health/injury problems related to his particular sport. It has also been my experience that if you can divide that particular horse’s time between his primary event and a different type of physical activity that involves other muscle groups...You will end up with a sounder horse. The book Equine Fitness offered specific exercises targeting specific muscle groups that any horse/rider any do. Equine Fitness is also an opportunity to freshen your horse’s mind with a new activity, especially if your horse is nearing the burn-out stage!! I was very pleased with this book and I Especially love the “cheat cards” at the back of the book that you can carry out to the arena! Works for me, even in a western saddle!” — Horse Fitness
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